Originally he has a passive and somewhat cowardly personality, but over time, due to the kindness, trust and love of his Sekirei and his desire to protect them, he becomes more confident. 0 Over the course of the story, he "wings" several Sekirei and they share a residence in Izumo Inn where he has his own room. After meeting Musubi at the start of the series, he becomes an Ashikabi. Minato's known family consists of: his mother Takami, his grandmother (whom Minato's mother stated could live another 100 years) and his younger sister Yukari. Minato Sahashi ( 佐橋 皆人, Sahashi Minato) is a high school graduate who had failed the college entrance exams twice. Voiced by: Shinnosuke Tachibana (Japanese) Joel McDonald (English) Minato Sahashi's Sekireis (from left to right): Musubi, Matsu, Homura, Kazehana, Kusano, and Tsukiumi. Sekirei characters have had mixed reception among the Japanese and international anime communities.
New Sekirei and characters are also introduced in the media adaptations including the anime series and the video game series. Overseeing the Plan is a corporation called Mid Bio Informatics (MBI). Minato soon leads a team of Sekirei residing at Izumo Inn, a boarding house in the northern district of Teito, and must face opponents in the form of other Sekirei, many of whom have teamed with other Ashikabi and are spread throughout the other districts of Teito.

He becomes her Ashikabi, a human with special genes that allow him to activate a Sekirei's powers through "winging", which is performed via a mouth-to-mouth kiss. The story centers on Minato Sahashi, a rōnin (high school graduate trying to get into college), who becomes involved with Musubi, one of 108 Sekirei: super-powered humanoids (predominantly beautiful women) with unique powers who must fight in a battle royal called the Sekirei Plan. All in all, like Minato is having, the series is a harmless harem of fun.The Sekirei manga features an extensive cast of characters created by Sakurako Gokurakuin.
It is about time we update the succulent stories of the five types of Greek nymphs, the apsaras of Hindu and Buddhist mythology and the celestial nymphs of Sigiriya with the 108 Sekireis! Let's enjoy the maiden voyage of these damsels while we are in distress. The series deserves distinction for creating this fictional world as much as Disney and the Danish author for the Little Mermaid. My conclusion is then that Sekireis are a new figment of modern imagination to represent a breed of idealized brave and breasted woman who love her man and is ready to fight for him and defend him. Other than that, simply sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. I was annoyed with the sometimes childish drawings superimposed or replacing scenes to often show fantastic elements, but they later seem to blend in the story and add humour or thought/emotion like a manga/comic book, once you get used to it. There is no missed opportunity for sexual reference, action, comedy and lots of fun. If a Sekirei is grabbing a breast or two (hers or another's) or kissing an Ashikabi or a Japanese version of Ashanti, all the better.

Tight shirts, short skirts, panties and flirts are all part of the game and the world of Sekirei.

Minato gets a nose bled every time he sees breasts, but we get far from nosebleed seats, as we are right there in the action following the moves blow for blow. As characters are presented with various complex backstories and the shroud of mystery is slowly revealed, we find endearing personalities, fun situations, cool fights and a story that keeps you as captivated as the big bare or barely-bare breasts all around. The constant fan service, sexiness and arousal however is not the only reason worth watching this whimsical fairy-tale. The sarcastic humour is quite on point and the gratuitous nudity in every other scene flows as naturally as large breasts bouncing up and down. This Japan anime focuses on large-breasted free-spirited females who are playing a game to which we discover the rules along with the clueless main male character, Minato, who is plunged in a world where beautiful women fight for his affections and for their lives. The human myths and legends have included many women of extreme beauty and some with quite voracious sexual appetite.